
Saturday, 2 January 2016

Technical skills used to create digipak and poster

When creating the cover images for my album cover, I decided to colourise all of the images using a light blue hue. I decided on the colour blue to the connotations of calmness etc which fit with the motif of my album case and the mood of Josh Garrels' music. 

In order to achieve my goal of using nay of the photos as the front cover of the album case, I had to make the images circular. i did this by using the ellipse tool to make a circle, selected the shape using the magic want tool, inverting the selection and deleting the remainder of my original image. 

After cropping the image into the shape I wanted, I adjusted the brightness/contrast in order to lighten some of the image and give the impression that it was a sunnier day. 

In order to create the CD design itself, i began with a circle shape. 

I used an image of Ollie who is the protagonist in my music video in order to tie it in with the video, I like this image as it is quite striking and contrasts well with the serene imagery used on the front and within the booklet of my digipak. By overlaying the image I have managed to make it blend in and I knew that once I added my text in later they would blend seamlessly. 

In order to remove the outer imagery I used the same technique that I mentioned earlier in this blog post using the magic wand tool and inverting my selection. 

When adding the text to my CD design I thought carefully about the placement of the title and artist's name. By placing the text behind the layer containing the image of Ollie with the overlay effect, I managed to create extra detail in the words 'Born Again' using the texture from his hair. I chose to use blue on the font as it linked well with the colour scheme of the rest of the digipak and the combination of Ollie's hair and the text can almost give the illusion of a wave effect. 

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